Sunday, January 13, 2008

The inexact art of polling

One of the features of the Real Clear Politics website is the posting of almost daily annoying polling of all the presidential candidates. OH MY GOD all this polling is driving me batty. And another thing, I don't know about you, but I am already sick and tired of those constant calls from auto-dialers, political parties, and recorded messages from political candidates. When my phone rings I want it to be a friend or family member with good news and kind thoughts, not someone looking for money or some stupid pollster at the other end.

All this leads me to wonder about the failure of the Democratic pollsters in the New Hampshire primarly election. Hmmm, Obama was supposed to win that handily according to them, but we know the Clinton-istas pulled another "rise from the dead" on that night. EGAD.

So here's what I'm many people flat out lied to the pollsters? How many wanted to appear racially sensitive or politically correct ("Ya, I'm voting for that Obama--the black guy.") and instead voted for Broomhilda.

I don't know about you, but I lie to pollsters all the time--whether it's about fabric softener or political candidates or political issues. Maybe that's twisted, but it's kind of my way of playing with the whole polling thing, which honestly I find kind of slimey.

Next time you get polled by one of these goons go ahead and try my system: "Yes, I love that candidate." And then vote for the other guy. Don't chuckle too hard or you'll make them suspicious.