Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Yep, these are the Obama supporters

Democrats: whatever you do PLEASE don't look at any facts or verifiable information to make decisions.

I guess you don't realize how dangerous that is....

This picture summarizes why I'm tired of politics...

Go to Tom Cross' site and you can read the whole story about what's going on (or NOT going on) with Illinois politics.
Here's the link.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

I thought it would NEVER happen....

but it has.
I am officially and totally tired of politics.
Yep, almost can't believe it myself.
  • Maybe it's because this presidential campaign has dragged on FOREVER (aren't we in the millionth year of the 2008 presidential campaign????)
  • Maybe it's because local politics is frustrating me--more school referendums are most assuredly coming which means higher taxes.
  • Maybe I'm discouraged by the bottomless pit of whining by liberals
  • Maybe I'm exhausted by ENDLESS circular arguments about gas prices. (DUH--if you commit to drilling it WILL bring the price of gas down---oil prices are determined by SPECULATORS and they bid the price up on the basis of the FUTURE supply. DUH)
  • Perhaps I'm just resigned to the probability that Democrats will be in the White House come January. (John McCain surely isn't showing us much as a candidate and people seem to be buying into this Obama crap about hope. I HOPE they get a clue because Obama is just an empty shirt that David Axelrod has's SO OBVIOUS.)
  • I'm disappointed in the ineptitude of Republican leaders when it comes to REALLY showing what idiots Democrats are
  • I'm disappointed the guy I voted for in the last 2 presidential elections (yes, our very own George Bush) has turned out to be completely unable or unwilling to stand up for conservative values. He's just too nice, and nice doesn't get you anywhere.
  • I'm just not seeing the light at the end of the tunnel....and not happy about that.
I'd guess I'm not the only Republican who's just exhausted. I'd guess there are a lot of us who just don't feel excited about election day this November. But let's look at it this way---we will still:
1. Vote
2. Campaign for our candidates (maybe not wholeheartedly, but we will support them)
3. Continue to be conservatives and Republicans.
4. Look ahead to the NEXT election and hope for the best then.

So liberals, DON'T GET COCKY. We're still here--kind of like the sleeping giant. Soon enough we're going to rise up and bite you on the ass and take back our country. You'll see....and it won't be pretty.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Blago loses another one

Perhaps they're jumping ship just before the indictments start rolling in. Ya sure Rezko isn't singing like a bird to the feds. Sure.....

Here's the story of the lastest Blago departure:

Blagojevich loses key aide

Friday, June 20, 2008

Some good questions

This will scare the living daylights out of anyone with an ounce of common sense.

This is an uninterrupted 51-second video of Obama speaking; he's telling us exactly what he will do to the it before this too is removed off the web site.

Pass it on...the USA needs a Wake-up call.
He plans to unilaterally disarm our nation.The question is... for what? And more specifically, for whom ?!!!!!!!!

Obama is not only naive, but he's dangerous.

Some deep thoughts

Hurricane Katrina vs Devastating Iowa 500 Year Flood
  • Why aren't all of the Hollywood celebrities holding telethons and asking for help in restoring Iowa and helping the folks affected by the floods?
  • Why isn't the media asking the tough questions about why the federal government hasn't solved the problem?
  • Where are all the FEMA trucks and trailers?
  • Why isn't the Federal Government relocating Iowa people to free hotels in Chicago?
  • When will Spike Lee say that the Federal Government blew up the levees that failed in Des Moines?
  • Where is Sean Penn in his rescue boat and where are the Dixie Chicks?
  • Where are all the 24/7 lurid news tales of cannibalism and unnecessary drownings?
  • Why did Iowans evacuate so prematurely; why are they not holed up in deathtrap sports centers?
  • Where are all the looters stealing high-end tennis shoes and big screen television sets?
  • When will we hear Governor Chet Culver say that he wants to rebuild a 'vanilla' Iowa, because that's the way God wants it?
  • Where are the people declaring that George Bush hates white, rural people?
  • Why are the Iowans not complaining more and demanding to be saved?
  • How come in about 2 weeks, you will never hear about the Iowa flooding ever again?
(Thanks Karen)

Watch the video

Just got this AWESOME LINK from my friend Karen. THANK YOU SO MUCH.

WATCH THIS VIDEO about a wonderful woman. I cried. You will too....

Thanks Karen. Keep 'em coming....
By the way, Karen's son is serving in Iraq on his 2nd tour. Prayers for him are always appreciated!

Monday, June 16, 2008

Illinois Debt Counter

DEBT counter
Illinois State Debt:

Per Person: $8,571.55

More Info...

Some people understand why gas prices are so high

Energy Policy: What do our Leaders Need to Wake Up?

by Matt Gauntt

Another great piece in Illinois Review. Love it--read it and make sure you catch this:

"We have BILLIONS of barrels of oil off our coasts, and potentially TRILLIONS of cubic feet of gas off our coasts, but we won't drill for it. The Cubans are letting the Chinese drill for this oil off OUR coast. Do all the pointed headed, liberal, environmental wackos think that the Chinese will be more conscientious than we would be in drilling for that oil?

We have the worlds best technology for nuclear energy, but we won't use it. Nuclear is safe, very safe."

Yep, why would we want to drill for that stuff that's just sitting there waiting for us to take it? That would make WAY TOO MUCH SENSE and liberals surely don't want to make sense. COME ON--facts mean nothing to them. Remember, to a liberal it's all about feelings--reality has absolutely nothing to do with anything for them and if you talk about reality and facts they think your some kind of fascist. Ah me, more examples of the failure of American education--which by the way is mostly run by LIBERALS (thanks to the NEA and IEA here in Illinois).

"Obama also shows a very poor grasp of very famous legal history"

LOVE this article in Illinois Review. As someone who spent considerable time in the world of education it never ceases to amaze me at how irresponsible and really ignorant pin-head elitist Ivy League educated bozos are. Yep, that's right, I think Barry Obama is a pin-head elitist Ivy League bozo. Read this story: Prof. Obama's poor legal scholarship

After you read it make sure and read the comments posted. Good stuff.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Wouldn't you like your kids' school to get a bunch of money to build great facilities?

Well, if you're the governor of Illinois you can do that with taxpayer dollars. Read this Sun-Times story about how our very own Gov. Blago (aka Rod Blo) made sure his kids' Montessori school got a huge hunk of money to fix their buildings and improve their facilities.

"His administration assisted the school's leaders in building a new, state-of-the-art facility, with 17 classrooms, a high-school-sized gymnasium and foliage-covered roof. The building, which opened in January 2006, is a major upgrade over space the school had been leasing from two churches.

The school bought its 2.4-acre site and constructed its new home using a 30-year, $11.75 million borrowing plan it secured through Blagojevich's Illinois Finance Authority. Private investors -- not Illinois taxpayers -- would be on the hook should the school default on that deal, which won approval when the Finance Authority was headed by a man who has since pleaded guilty to federal corruption charges."

And of course both Rod and wife Patti claim there is nothing sneaky going on.
Ya, and of course you and I can direct BIG BUCKS to our neighborhood schools. Right....

The waste of Illinois tax dollars

Here's a video from Chicago's Fox News about "The Piglet Book" which highlights the waste of our hard earned tax dollars. Take a look--another example of how we're all getting screwed by the Democrats in Springfield.

If you want to read the entire Piglet Book, CLICK HERE and you can download it. It's good reading and 26 pages that will make you mad.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Like there wasn't a war already between Madigan and Blago

So now it's real. CLICK ON THIS LINK to the "talking points" for Blago's impeachment issued by Speaker Madigan to his fellow Democrats.

I love this line: "Blagojevich is clearly not an innocent victim of circumstances. Legislators have a responsibility to do what is in the best interests of the state and not depend on the federal government to save us." SO SUDDENLY THEY CARE ABOUT WHAT'S IN THE BEST INTERESTS OF OUR STATE????? That's a joke, right?????

Gosh this is good. Let them bury each other....we can sit by the sidelines and watch and laugh.

Yuck to all those Mac people.....

But they're cool.....or at least they think they are....

Quote of the day


Thanks to Karen. Keep the good stuff coming!

The difference between Republicans and Democrats

"On June 10 in 1964, Everett Dirksen (R-IL), the Republican Leader in the U.S. Senate, condemned the Democrats' 57-day filibuster against the 1964 Civil Rights Act. Leading the Democrats in their opposition to civil rights for African-Americans was Senator Robert Byrd (D-WV). Byrd, who got into politics as a recruiter for the Ku Klux Klan, spoke against the bill for fourteen straight hours. Democrats still call Robert Byrd "the conscience of the Senate."

In his speech, Senator Dirksen called on the Democrats to end their filibuster and accept racial equality.

Click HERE and HERE for more information about Everett Dirksen, a Republican civil right hero.

From Michael Zak: website:

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Just checking in....

Sorry I haven't posted in a while. So many things...
  1. offspring graduation from college
  2. family visits
  3. real estate sales (yes, things are selling...thankfully)
  4. moving, moving, moving
  5. trying to reabsorb tons of items into the home abode
  6. continuous projects around the house
  7. beautiful (and not so beautiful) spring days
  8. a new found devotion to watching the Chicago Cubs
I promise to post more...but I will be enjoying the warm days and family company.....