Monday, June 16, 2008

Some people understand why gas prices are so high

Energy Policy: What do our Leaders Need to Wake Up?

by Matt Gauntt

Another great piece in Illinois Review. Love it--read it and make sure you catch this:

"We have BILLIONS of barrels of oil off our coasts, and potentially TRILLIONS of cubic feet of gas off our coasts, but we won't drill for it. The Cubans are letting the Chinese drill for this oil off OUR coast. Do all the pointed headed, liberal, environmental wackos think that the Chinese will be more conscientious than we would be in drilling for that oil?

We have the worlds best technology for nuclear energy, but we won't use it. Nuclear is safe, very safe."

Yep, why would we want to drill for that stuff that's just sitting there waiting for us to take it? That would make WAY TOO MUCH SENSE and liberals surely don't want to make sense. COME ON--facts mean nothing to them. Remember, to a liberal it's all about feelings--reality has absolutely nothing to do with anything for them and if you talk about reality and facts they think your some kind of fascist. Ah me, more examples of the failure of American education--which by the way is mostly run by LIBERALS (thanks to the NEA and IEA here in Illinois).