Thursday, January 10, 2008

This just in from NFRW President Davidson

January 10, 2008

  • There are dramatic differences between the Republican and the Democrat candidates for President.
  • The Democrats talk a lot about 'change', but to them change means higher taxes, more government involvement in health care, and a weaker national defense.
  • The Republicans, on the other hand, continue to lay out their visions for a future of strength and prosperity.
  • The Democrats believe we can do no right abroad, so they want us to withdraw from the War on Terror and defund our troops.
  • They believe we can't make decisions about how to spend our own hard-earned money, so they'd prefer that the government takes more of it from us and chooses what to do with it.
  • They believe we all need to be forced into a health care system overseen by bureaucrats in Washington.
  • Republicans, on the other hand, offer a positive vision of a future with lower taxes, a strong national defense, and more choice and affordability in health care.
  • The American people will support the party that stands by hardworking taxpayers and our troops.