Friday, March 14, 2008

And another pundit weighs in on why we lost to a liberal Democrat in District 14

Read this from Dennis Byrne

Why the GOP Lost IL-14

In my opinion, this is the best thing from his article.

"Meanwhile, the Illinois Republican Party continues to implode, becoming an ever greater national embarrassment. Many in the party seem to be in suspended animation, waiting in vain for the leadership, such as it is, to come up with credible candidates and campaigns. Meanwhile, potentially talented young candidates are discouraged from making the effort by the absence of party organization and money. Divides over ideology tear at the partyʼs seams. Vision is absent."

I agree. I'm still witnessing squabbling and a failure to admit the lethargy the Republican Party in Illinois is suffering from. There are way too many empty township precincts, too many people suffering from ego "waaa waaa" issues, and too many people not admitting that Denny Hastert did us wrong in this district by walking away when he did. Republicans still don't get it. We've lost every state elected position, lost the congressional seat we've held forever, and still they're not seeing the problems that are clearly obvious. What's it gonna take to wake up?????