Friday, March 14, 2008

Another good column by Peggy Noonan

Just got a chance to read today's Peggy Noonan column in the Wall Street Journal (online).
Click here to read this: DECLARATIONS By PEGGY NOONAN

Here's a quote that REALLY rings true: "The base is tired. Republicans feel their own kind of unease at Bush-Clinton-Bush-Clinton. Talk about wanting to stand athwart history yelling stop. They're not in a mood to give money. Remember the phrase "broken glass Republicans?" The number of Republicans so offended, so wounded, actually, as citizens, by the Clinton years, that they'd crawl across broken glass to elect George Bush? They existed in 2004, too. Now a lot of them wouldn't crawl across a plush weave carpet to vote for a Republican."

I've heard that from many people here in the 14th Congressional District, and honestly, it's scarey. She also said, "Philosophy is the foundation. All the rest is secondary, a quick one-coat paint job on a house with a sagging roof."

Republicans need to be re-energized. The Democrats are acting like they are on a caffeine high with the young, good looking and charming Barack Obama. He's all those things, but never really says anything of substance...empty rhetoric. But he's charming...