Monday, April 28, 2008

Dems fear photo-ID voting law fallout

Ya, they fear the voter ID requirement because SO MANY DEAD PEOPLE VOTE DEMOCRATIC.

It's simple--require an ID and REAL PEOPLE vote--not dead people. Maybe people won't be able to go from poll to poll to poll and vote as many times as their political bosses tell them to--or pay them to vote.

Interesting story on the Politico: READ IT HERE

Here is the typical bullsh*t Democrat response to making sure a voter is a VALID VOTER--in other words, there isn't fraud:
“The voting process needs to as unencumbered as possible, and requiring a photo identification disenfranchises those citizens who might otherwise never have a need for identification--particularly in rural, poor, and minority communities,” said Rep. Joe Baca (D-Calif.), chairman of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus. “This is a violation of our voting rights – and a deliberate attack on democracy.” (CRAP--this is total CRAP)

Reality check here: everyone needs an ID in today's world. You can't go anywhere without an ID. If you can't afford one you get one for free (ala Georgia). You can't cash a check, rent a video, drive, register for school, or do just about anything without an ID. Don't you see the lies the Democrats will tell to make it seem like some poor schmuck won't be able to vote because the evil REPUBLICANS make him actually prove he is who he says he is? But of course how could we expect anything else from Democrats?????

Is it not incredibly obvious that Democrat ='s FRAUD????