Thursday, October 30, 2008

A little break

I've taken a break from the blog to attend a funeral and honestly, to just get away from all the lies of the Obama campaign for a while. Here's just a few observations about the last week or so.
  1. I'm SICK of the presidential campaign. 2 years is TOO MUCH.
  2. I've voted already, as have many people. I voted for ONLY REPUBLICANS because I'm sick and tired of Democrats who lie, want to raise my taxes, and then LIE about raising my taxes.
  3. If you're an undecided voter at this point in this election you must be an idiot or living in a cave.
  4. While at Midway Airport on Sunday this young girl from Florida sat next to me, looked at the Chicago Tribune I was reading and saw a story about the presidential candidates. There was a picture of Sarah Palin. This IDIOT girl blurts out, "I hate her, I just hate her." Of course she had no reason why, she knew nothing about her and could not explain one reason for opening her big mouth in such a manner other than, "I'm a Democrat and this is my first time voting." Ya, that explains it. Visceral reactions like that are typical of idiots (new Democrats).
  5. Coming back I was on a Southwest Airlines flight that had only 35 passengers. The airport was SLOW and this was EXTREMELY unusual. I've never been to that airport when it wasn't FULL of people.
  6. There were almost no Obama signs where I was--I only saw one small Obama/Biden/UAW sign. Ya, smart for those UAW guys--Democrats support the "no private ballot" union proposal which would bolster union thuggery. So it's understandable why the UAW (the union for the "in the toilet" auto industry which is in the toilet partly because the union has helped jack up the price of American cars while still building an inferior product) supports Democrats. I did see a large McCain/Palin sign. Odd, around here there are tons of signs of all kinds.
  7. On the shuttle bus back to my car I overheard (you couldn't help but overhear--the volume was on high) the African American driver's radio which was tuned into WVON or something like that. The commentators were talking about the election and how important it was to vote. Couldn't disagree with that, but the conversation went something like this: We need to call each other. If you haven't voted by nine, we'll remind you. If you haven't voted by noon, we'll remind you. If you haven't voted by 3 and you're still in bed we need to wake you and get you to the polls. HUH???? If you're not up by 3pm you are a lazy slug (unless you work the night shift). And then I heard this guy call in and say the only reason "our kids" will be alive and able to accomplish anything is because of Barack Obama. I had to control my laughter... And then they were talking about how some Republican candidate and his staff was personally trained by Karl Rove to make sure black people wouldn't vote. Folks, this stuff is scary because it's a PERFECT example of black racism. If anyone believes this CRAP they are INSANE, STUPID and not capable of making any intelligent decisions. If a white person had said anything like that they'd be publicly humiliated, but it's ok to say that stuff in the black community?????? Does anyone see the double standard????
  8. I've been invited to election night doings but really don't want to go. I just want to see this whole election season OVER. I suspect other people feel the same way.
  9. If anyone was stupid enough to watch the half hour No-bama infomerical they have WAY TOO MUCH time on their hands. They should probably go out and get a job.
  10. If you were stupid enough to buy a ticket to the No-bama gala in Grant Park you are an idiot. I like what Carol Marin (Chgo. newswoman) said--not paying. I wonder how many gang shootings and other crimes there will be in Chicago that night.
  11. In Chicago handguns are still outlawed and yet there is an ever increasing number of murders by handgun. Seems to me that criminals don't care about handgun laws, but maybe I just don't get the Daley logic. Blago wants to shut down Pontiac Prison---more prisons and prisoners in them might solve that "criminals commiting crimes" problem.
Ok, more comments on other stuff later.....