Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Mortgage insanity

1. Was watching Fox and Friends this morning and saw one of my favorites--Ann Coulter--who mentioned in their rush to distribute mortgages to people (social engineering) banks and finance companies were using welfare checks and unemployment benefits to calculate income. As one who (YEARS AGO) actually got an umemployment check I know how really paltry they are and that they are only available for a limited time. WTH***???? Come on--no wonder banks and mortgage financers are in trouble--they should be ashamed of themselves.
2. Was reading someplace else this morning (here it is) that because Governor Palin wears white jackets that's somehow a racist message. OH MY GOD--how far have they fallen. I guess nurses and sailors are all racists....
3. Now Barney Frank (and others) is/are accusing Republicans of being racists because they oppose/opposed mortgages to people who shouldn't have them because they're not qualified financially--there is/was NO way they could ever pay for them or pay them off. I guess when you have no quality to your position you scream racism. Geez....
4. Heard that some people as to this BAILOUT thing are suggesting that anyone who is behind 2 MONTHS on their mortgage payments should get government assistance. When my husband got home (from WORK--what a concept) I told him we should immediately stop paying for the mortgage so we could get saved by the bailout. In other words, we could get government (taxpayer money) help for being slackers. IS THIS NOT NUTS??????
5. Here's the shirt I want.....