Monday, October 13, 2008

Obama did not write "Dreams From My Father"

Was listening to Jerry Agar this morning and his very first "story" was about a guy named Jack Cashill who is pretty darned positive about the connections between Bill Ayers and Barack Obama. Yep, Obama is a great speech READER, but if you ever listen to him speak WITHOUT a canned speech it's pretty obvious he is being provided the material he uses in his speeches--he's not much "off the cuff." 

"The emergence of a previously unseen writing sample proves all but conclusively that Barack Obama did not in any meaningful way write Dreams From My Father, the book that Time Magazine has called “the best-written memoir ever produced by an American politician.” 

The emergence of a second writing sample, this one by a legitimate author, provides convincing evidence as to who did."

Read this story: Obama did not write "Dreams From My Father"

Kind of looks like Obama is the guy in front of the screen (like in Wizard of Oz) and someone is behind pulling his strings. It's pretty frightening that this guy might actually be afraid, be very afraid.

By the way, ANYONE my age who actually took any kind of history class remembers Bill Ayers and Bernadette Dohrn and the Weather Underground. I lived in the Chicago area during the 1968 Democratic convention and heard the stories about the crap they pulled (literally) during that time. I watched the news about bombings and other horrible CRIMINAL activities. Yes, protesting the war was a constitutional right, but bombings and killings were not.  Anyone who tries to justify their illegal and murderous activities by saying they were exercising their right to protest is a TOTAL IDIOT.