Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Obama Ignores Credit Card Donation Fraud

I'll bet you're shocked that Obama has raised TONS of money through phony donors.

"What do Bart Simpson, Family Guy, Daffy Duck, King Kong, O.J. Simpson and Raela Odinga have in common?

All are celebrities; and with the exception of Odinga and O.J. Simpson, they also are fictional characters. And yet, all of them gave money earlier this month to the campaign of Barack Obama, without any apparent effort by the campaign to screen them out as suspect donors.

The Obama fundraising machine may owe its sensational success in part to a relaxation of standard online merchant security practices, which has allowed illegal donations from foreign donors and from unknown individuals using anonymous “gift” cards, industry analysts and a confidential informant tell Newsmax."

No wonder he doesn't need "public financing." He's cheating the system....

Read this story also:

Obama Campaign Runs Afoul of Finance Rules