Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Watch Jim Oberweis crush Bill Foster

Foster is just not up to the task of being a Congressman, and this video from Chicago Tonight proves it. If you missed it read the story below from the Illinois'll see why Oberweis is the clear choice for the voters in our district.

Oberweis on Chicago Tonight
From Illinois Review:
"Jim Oberweis crushed Congressman Foster in this forum. He had a clear command of the bailout issue and held his ground in a fashion we need from our representatives. Here are a few of the exchanges I found most interesting:

1) Foster admits the bailout bill was loaded with pork but "as a freshman Congressman" was not in a position to stand up and fight for the right bill. Basically, he let other Senators and Congressman hold he and the American taxpayers hostage while they pass their pork-laden bill. Nice work Congressman. Not only have you proved yourself to be a politician, but you have proved you are a weak one at that. Sorry, but I want someone to jealously and firmly represent my family's best interest "freshman" or not.

2) Foster admits the poor economy has not affected him. Well, isn't that nice for he and his family. Jim however, explained specifically how this economy has hurt the expansion of his own business and others like his due to banks severely tightening their belts. Congressman, since you seem to have no financial worries how about you take your own money and redistribute to those less fortunate versus taking more from me? Clearly you can afford it. Oh that's right. Democrats like to spend other people's money. Not their own.

3) Before you cite examples of technology growth in cities such as Lisle and Naperville maybe you should confirm they are actually in your district. I was not aware we annexed Naperville."

Unfortunately I was just subjected to a Bill Foster commercial on our local ABC station. Wow, this guy has cahones--his commercial is one lie after another--lower taxes, government restraint--then why is he supporting the Democrats who are calling for HIGHER taxes and MORE government???? This guy needs to be un-elected. PLEASE vote for Oberweis.