Wednesday, November 5, 2008

And the Winner Is . . . Peggy the Moocher

Michelle Malkin gets it right AGAIN. Read her posting on National Review Online

"Sorry to break the bad news to Joe the Plumber. But the winner of Campaign 2008 is Peggy the Moocher. No matter who moves into the White House, Peggy has good reason to do a happy dance. The plain, ugly fact is that both major political parties are committed to spreading the wealth in one form or another. Its all just a question of how much and how quickly."  
(Check out this video of Peggy Joseph--aka Peggy the Moocher--It's PATHETIC.)

Here's another great quote from Michelle Malkin:
E Pluribus Unum” is no longer our national motto. These three words are: “Do For Me.” As in: What will the government do for me?"