Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Does Obama understand the Limits of Power or Not?

From Illinois Review:
by Mark Rhoads
"The mere fact that 63 million voters were gullible enough to vote for Obama does not change a thing where his lack of experience is involved. He is still the least qualified incoming president in many decades--maybe since GOP Gov. Warren Harding of Ohio in 1921. Obama has finally come to the end of speeches that substitute for policy. Now he really has to be responsible for policy and he has to persuade Congress in both parties to go along. The current aging Democratic leaders remember how they were thrown out of power in 1994 thanks to Bill Clinton. They are not yet ready to go out on a limb for Barack Obama no matter how personally popular he might be for a matter of months unless helping him also helps them. If a representative lives in a district where guns are popular, that person will vote to serve his or her constitutents first and only to please a president second."