Monday, November 10, 2008

This morning....

I got a thank you e-mail from Rick Davis, Senator McCain's campaign manager. Nice gesture to all of us who sent them money, put up campaign signs, etc. Well it didn't sit well with me considering the garbage that's come from their campaign since their defeat. Here's what I e-mailed back to him:

Mr. Davis:
As a good lifelong Republican I can tell you I am ashamed of the bitter gossip that has reportedly come from some McCain staffers about Sarah Palin. The people who opened their big mouths and spread the malicious garbage that's been circulated in the news media should be ashamed of themselves and NEVER get employment in ANY Republican campaign.
I can honestly tell you the only reason Senator McCain got the votes he got (especially here in Illinois) was Governor Palin. We are loyal Republicans, and will vote for whomever is at the top of the Republican ticket for President, but Senator McCain was CERTAINLY not our first choice. He only started to talk like a Republican AFTER the Palin pick as we see it. Governor Palin is a TRUE Conservative, and represents what the Republican Party SHOULD be about--not the wishy washy hands across the aisle garbage Senator McCain espoused prior to the her pick, and unfortunately in his concession speech.
I contributed to this campaign because I was ever hopeful that Senator McCain could overcome the No-bama mystique, but on so many levels he failed to ignite the people of this country to actually care about the values that has made our country great. I am very appreciate of his fine service to our great nation and am ever grateful he has devoted his life to service to us. If he desires to be a continuing force in the US Senate he needs to really understand what Republican values are and finally come to promote them against the liberal juggernaut that is already working to destroy the family and financial values that have made America great. It's time for Senator McCain to decide if he's a Republican or not.
In addition, Senator McCain needs to step up and publicly call out the whiners and gossip-mongers in his own campaign. He needs to support Governor Palin, who like it or not, may well be the future of the Republican Party. I understand the defeat is still fresh, but he needs to get beyond it and do the right thing for all of us who supported him.
Only then will your thank you have any real meaning.