Friday, December 12, 2008

Just a few tidbits

Haven't posted in the last couple days because I've just been overwhelmed by the wildness going on about our scum governor. I am thoroughly amazed at how many Democrats are absolutely without shame (ya, really shocked. NOTE: eyes rolling). COME ON--They know how blatant Blago has been about his ongoing blackmail of individuals for cash in exchange for his granting them contracts, legislation, or whatever else he could dole out as our state's chief executive. Ya, like everyone in this state hasn't known for the longest time what the guy was doing.... Anyone who watched the news at night, who read ANY daily Chicago newspaper (even the constantly fawning Sun-Times), who listened to any AM-radio station that broadcasted news---everyone knew that Blago's behavior was so far over the edge, that it was only a matter of time before he thoroughly disgusted everyone by demanding a sizeable campaign contribution from the wrong person who would break the code of silence and turn him in. Don't you really wonder where the newly outraged Democrats have been all this time? Don't you wonder how many contractors or hospital adminstrators or whatever called the U.S. Attorney's Office and spoke to investigators about how they'd been strong armed by Blago or someone from his office? Don't you REALLY believe there are MANY more counts that Blago will be indicted on before all this shakes out?

Well here some links to really good stories. Take a look...
1. The Capital Fax Blog
2. Link to the Illinois Supreme Court (about Att. General Madigan's request for a TRO)
3. Chart of "Pay for Play" in the Washington Post
4. "Blago faces dim financial future" (wow, he's REALLY in debt--talk about living above your means. He's a Northwestern grad--I thought he'd know better after such a fancy smarmy education)
5. What about some of the decisions that need to be made?
6. "Many look to undo Blago's initiatives"
7. Why Blago won't resign
8. One of my most favorite things I've read from Hennessy's View:
"This whole episode is a great lesson in how Democrat politics works. Blagojevich was using the power of the state purse to control the news coming out of the Chicago Tribune, to funnel money from a children’s hospital into his own pocket, and to control a labor union. This is Democrat at its best. The only difference between Chicago Democrats and the others is that the Chicago breed are too stupid to cover their tracks."