Sunday, March 22, 2009

From the Wall Street Journal: "The Taxin' Illini"

Great article in the Wall Street Journal (click here for the link) that I found courtesy of Illinois Review.

This is a state that does almost everything wrong economically. It is not a right-to-work state and is thus heavily unionized, repelling new business investment. It has the fifth highest minimum wage among the states, the fifth most trial-lawyer friendly legal code, the sixth highest workers' compensation costs, and the 11th highest property taxes. It has one of the highest inheritance taxes, at 16%, so retirees flee to states with no death tax, such as Florida and Arizona. A rare Illinois advantage has been its relatively low income-tax rate, but that will shrink or vanish under Mr. Quinn's increase.

Over the last six years the state's revenues climbed by $7 billion, but the flush times led to flush spending. Per capita state expenditures after inflation have climbed to $4,700 in 2008 from $3,200 in 1998. The state now spends roughly $13,000 per public-school student in Chicago, but the money has done little to reverse a dismal high school graduation rate of 51%. The charter schools in Chicago take a demographically similar group of students and achieve 77% graduation rates, but Democrats have put a cap on more charters."

Funny how it takes the Wall Street Journal to show some objectivity and really put it out there so absolutely logically--Illinois is a governmental failure. It's a perfect example of what happens when you have one party rule, and that one party acts like they're drunk with power--while showing how really stupid they are.

And thanks to dimwit voters our country has put control of the Congress and the presidency in the Democrats hands, and they're spending money, well like crazy. Yep, it's crazy, and I just wonder if there's ANYONE who will stand up and say ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. Just last week the government printed TEN TRILLION DOLLARS--do we have that kind of money? NOPE, and it's absolutely like you or I going into our basements and printing up dollars. Hey, it's FUNNY MONEY--it's backed by NOTHING. This is INSANITY.

So thanks to the WSJ for calling out Illini for what it is--taxin' and nuts.