Friday, June 26, 2009

The most egregious takeover by the Congress

has just occurred. The "American Clean Energy and Security Act" was just passed by the US House of Representatives. Shameful.

Keep in mind this piece of trash will cost all of us dearly and will take away your freedom to do as you please with your real estate.

Amazingly Bill Foster, our representative here, voted no. I'm shocked he didn't buckle under to the Pelosi crapfest she probably threw at him. I'd bet more than a few folks (including me) from our district got in touch with him and expressed our opinion and desire that he vote no. SHOCKING that he actually (this once) voted the wishes of his district.

Here is a link to the roll call vote:

"Today, the House bowed to the altar of radical
environmental extremism. 'Man-made' climate
change is a myth and cult, and its lies are based
upon faulty computer models that act as the
movement's oracles."—ALG President Bill Wilson.