Tuesday, August 18, 2009

AARP loses members over health care stance

Even thought I am (age-wise) qualified to be a member of AARP, I can tell you I will NEVER join this leftist organization. They keep sending me "invitations to join" but I toss them out with the trash (actually recycling after I shred them) every time they come. They should get the clue and stop wasting money on the mailings to our home. Neither my husband or I will ever join this group, no matter what their discounts are or whatever lures they toss at us. I don't agree with their political stands on any number of issues and quite honestly I don't think they're really out for the best interests of those of us over 55. So AARP--leave us alone. Obviously you've swung WAY TOO FAR to the left for 60,000 of your members who have quit your group since you decided to side with No-bama on the health care debacle, so perhaps finally they might get a clue. The only thing that has any impact on AARP is MONEY--so if people quit they lose money. Let's see if it has any impact on their future policies.

Read the article here on the mass membership departure from AARP.