Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Read this one--it shows you how insane Demon-crats are

The Democrats’ Official Talking Point: If you oppose the Democrats’ plans for healthcare, you are a corporate stooge and not a real American

More and more videos are circulating each day of congressmen facing the wrath of the American people. Consequently, the Democrats have come up with an official talking point — the protests are bought and paid for by lobbyists and the insurance industry."

Ya, we're all stooges for corporate America.

Here are a list of logical conclusions anyone who is looking at this whole last 6 months of the No-bama administration with any level of intelligence could come to:
  • Demon-crats are morons.
  • Demon-crats are working to make the USA another socialist country.
  • Demon-crats are evil.
  • Demon-crats are stupid
  • Demon-crats hate America and want to see our beloved country in the economic and social toilet.