Monday, August 10, 2009

Kudos to John Boehner for speaking out

Boehner calls Pelosi & Hoyer op-ed 'reprehensible'
(Click HERE for the article in THE

Here's some of the CRAP Pelosi & the Demon-crats are spewing about those of us who have the audacity to disagree with them and SPEAK UP:
"Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) on Monday penned an op-ed in USA Today that criticized those who have disrupted town halls and prevented lawmakers from speaking with their constituents as “un-American.”

"Boehner said each public forum should give every participant the chance to express his or her views on healthcare reform, and “to label Americans who are expressing vocal opposition to the Democrats’ plan ‘un-American’ is outrageous and reprehensible.”

Boehner also went a step further, charging House Democratic leaders with working to “silence” views in the healthcare debate both in Washington and across the country."