Thursday, September 24, 2009

Interesting news tidbits this morning

(Click on the blue title after each number for the link to the story.)

1. Texas Teacher Stabbed to Death by Student in Classroom
"A Texas teacher who helped children with special needs by playing them the guitar was stabbed to death by a juvenile student at a high school in Tyler on Wednesday morning, authorities said." (I'm SO GLAD I'm retired from teaching.)
2."Barack Obama's churlishness is unforgivable"
From the United Kingdom's Telegraph. Even they are noticing that No-bama is, well, a dunce.
3."Environmentalists Seek to Wipe Out Plush Toilet Paper"
Keep your damned hands off my toilet paper. It's bad enough I have to use those stupid curly light bulbs, they crab about coal power generating plants (we have a LOT of coal in Illinois), they won't let us build any more nuclear plants, and DDT has been outlawed (which would kill the bugs that cause malaria in poor countries) but NOW they want to control what kind of toilet paper we wipe out butts with. INSANITY is rampant.
4.ACORN sues Breitbart
Hypocricy at it's peak. They know they got caught so they go after the people who caught them. Typical liberal whacko ploy. FIGHT THEM!!!!
5. U.S. issues $7 trillion debt, supply to stabilize
Ya, let's just keep printing money. That's the way to make sure the economy does well. Again, INSANITY!!!
6. GOP gets big bump of donors in August
I gave them money---everyone who wants to rid our country of the control of demon-crats should give the GOP money.