Monday, September 21, 2009

Even the Brits are noticing

"President Barack Obama is beginning to look out of his depth"

Here's the beginning of the article:
"It is lovely to feature in other people's dreams. The problem comes when they wake up. Barack Obama is an eloquent, brainy and likeable man with a fascinating biography. He is not George Bush. Those are great qualities. But they are not enough to lead America, let alone the world."

What do you do when you have an employee you thought could handle the job but shows he's just not capable of doing it? YOU FIRE HIM. So in the next election we need to fire No-bama. He's just SO FAR IN OVER HIS HEAD.

And here's another good quote from the article--and this is SO TRUE:
"Mr Obama has tactics a plenty - calm and patient engagement with unpleasant regimes, finding common interests, appealing to shared values - but where is the strategy? What, exactly, did "Change you can believe in" – the hallmark slogan of his campaign – actually mean?"