Thursday, November 12, 2009

More evidence piles on every day

Poorest Town In Illinois Suffers In Recession
Read the story by clicking HERE

"Mayor Sam Payton puts it this way: "I'd say we're the forgotten community."

Payton says the unemployment rate is 46 percent and the median income is just half the statewide figure. Payton says his goal right now is to create jobs in a place where businesses don't seem to want to come, and the young people mostly want to leave."

So Illinois (my home state)--the majority of people in this state voted for No-bama. Hey Pembroke--how's that hope and change working for you? Just remember who's been in charge of this state (Demon-crats) and what party (Demon-crats) has bankrupted us. 

Isn't it time to recognize how really screwed up things are? Try the first step of the 12 step program--RECOGNIZE WE HAVE A PROBLEM. Once you do that you'll be on the REAL road to recovery. Let's RID OURSELVES of Demon-crats and start digging ourselves out of this GIGANTIC hole we're in.