The other night I had a long involved dream about a girlfriend of mine from high school that motivated me to send her a message on Facebook saying hi, giving some chatty family news, and asking how she and her family were. She lives out east and we haven't seen each other for at least 30 years. She moved to my little town during high school from New Jersey and we became instant friends, probably due to our each taking high school French. She was always different than those of us from the little town, probably because her roots were in the east rather than the boring-blue collar-patriotic-middle American town that I grew up in. I always appreciated how hard it must have been to blend into our tightly knit school group-that she must have felt she'd landed on another planet. She went on to attend the U of I and move in with the young man who eventually became her husband. I went to another state school. My friend was always much more avant-garde than me--the shacking up thing bothered me but it was her life and none of my business. She only married when they had kids but never changed her last name--again, just not my kind of decision, but her life. She and her eventual husband moved back east to the bastion of liberalism known as Massachusetts--I'm sure she felt more at ease there and it more easily reflected her political and social views. I always though she was one of those people who's so far to the left that her car doesn't turn right (yes, pun intended).
Of course she has a right to her opinions as I do to mine but I'm not sure she thinks I have any valid opinions. I just don't think our high school friendship has survived adulthood. I just don't think there's a place in my heart for her anymore. She has shown herself to be the classic liberal. When a conservative goes to them with an open hand in friendship they respond with a clenched fist. They may disagree, but they have to call you hateful or be angry about your policy disagreements. By the way, my friend who is a pacifist and belongs to some "universalist" church (pardon me, but I just think that kind of church just refuses to pick a side--oh well, another disagreement), but she is the one who after high school worked in a factory that made bombs for the defense department. Her husband works for an "evil" insurance company. She is the typical liberal hypocrite who looks down at their nose at anyone who doesn't share their political views but lives their lives like anyone just trying to be successful in this wonderful capitalist country.
Her message back to my chatty "how ya doing" message was distressing and I've had to take a couple days to tamper down my anger and disappointment. She said she had trouble "processing" the "politically charged comments (I) posted on facebook around the time of the health care debate" and that my comments lacked "good taste and a sense of respect with people with whom (I) disagree(d)..." Ah yes, the liberal reveals herself with a dismissive comment when I just thought I'd say hello. Yep, typical liberal.
She knows nothing really about me. Here's a flash for my dismissive liberal friend:
I'm a nice person who anguishes over cruel comments people make. I'm a good Roman Catholic who contributes to my church, goes to mass regularly, and has raised my off-spring to be a good Catholic moral person. I adopt dogs and contribute to a number of animal rescue organizations. I volunteer my time to groups that need help. I vote, I obey the law, pay my taxes, save my money, pray regularly and love my family. I believe deeply in the US Constitution. I have a husband who loves me and 33 years later still calls me a couple times a day from work just to say hi and share whatever news there is. My offspring still texts me regularly and when there's a chance chats incessantly about little stuff that makes us both laugh. My friends enjoy chats, lunch, and whatever time we can spend together. People respect my opinion, my political work, and whatever help I can extend when they need a hand. I'm nice and have a good personality (they used to say that about the ugly girl you tried to introduce to your friend, but take my word when I say I'm not ugly--I'm known to look pretty good and definitely younger than my age--must be the good genes!). I am not quick with forgiveness but try every day to be a better person who truly lives the gospel of Jesus Christ. I'm interesting and yet boring. Really.
I cherish my years in public service but almost 20 years in education dealing with snotty liberals like my friend makes me realize how happy I am to be separated from them--away from their myopic hateful attitudes and the angry way they live. They disguise themselves as caring compassionate people but expect the rest of us to pay their way because it's their right to be taken care of. Nope, I'm happy to be away from that. Yes old friend--I know your kind because I worked with them for a long time. It was horribly difficult to be in an academic setting with them because they openly campaigned to make the students just like them--they betrayed the educational philosophy they espoused by promoting their social and political agendas. I was open about being a conservative but every day worked to be non-partisan and even handed in my academic life. I was openly patriotic and followed the law forbidding political partisanship while the liberal academics around me didn't. It was a struggle.
Ok, maybe I'm overreacting. That's always a possibility but I don't think so. I'm saddened by my old friend's comments and have come to the conclusion that something I read a while ago is true--when people are destructively negative, when it causes you unnecessary distress you need to cut them out of your life. Maybe my old friend doesn't understand that in Facebook if something bothers you it is possible to "hide" those posts or "de-friend" someone. So I'm going to de-friend her. Sorry buddy--you're gone. I will pray for you, your 90 year old mother, and the rest of your family. Really. I just don't need hypocritical cruel people in my life--maybe she'll get that but she probably won't. She'll think I'm just another evil conservative that is too thin-skinned and can't deal with her version of "truth" (the rest of us know it as LIES) she and her liberal buddies throw at us people. I am a Republican who believes in the ultimate goodness in us all but understands that some people would rather see evil in us. Their sad ideology clouds their vision. I just don't want to deal with that overwhelming sense of sadness that my old friend dumps on me. So goodbye old friend. I wish you well and I'll pray for you, but I don't think you're really a friend anymore. Sometimes the past is just not enough.
Monday, April 26, 2010
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Big pro-tax increase in Springfield?
Just a thought---how much did it cost school districts across the state to pay for substitute teachers (at a cost of $75-150/day) for all the teachers who took the day off to "rally" in Springfield to raise our taxes? Hmmm, good question. All those union officials who were there--have they taken a pay cut for their services? If each of the people who was there pushing (rather threateningly) for an income tax increase would donate $10 to the State of Illinois that might pay some of the UNPAID bills (for services ALREADY rendered) the state has.
When even the mayor of Chicago says the governor hasn't made enough cuts to the state budget you know there is a problem.
Time to fire Quinn. Time to fire any state legislator who promotes a tax increase.
When even the mayor of Chicago says the governor hasn't made enough cuts to the state budget you know there is a problem.
Time to fire Quinn. Time to fire any state legislator who promotes a tax increase.
GM paid off their loan with YOUR money and here's how
How Did GM Pay Off the Loans Early?
By Stephen Markley
"Following GM’s announcement today that it has repaid the $5.8 billion in U.S. and Canadian loans months ahead of schedule, you may be wondering how exactly the automaker managed this. The answer is a $16.4 billion escrow account set up by the Obama administration during GM’s bankruptcy. Those funds are in exchange for the GM shares that make up part of the government’s stake in the company.
The Treasury Department had to figure out how much of a cushion the company would need after emerging from bankruptcy. The escrow account was set up when the government bought a 61% stake in the company, but there was a string attached: GM had to get the Treasury Department’s OK before spending the money.
Thus far, it used the fund to pay out $2.7 billion for the Delphi bankruptcy resolution and previous loan repayments. Rules required any money left in the account by June 30 to be used for loan repayment. With the loans fully repaid, restrictions on the escrow fund will be lifted and GM will be allowed add the remaining $5.5 billion to its reserves.
So what’s the bottom line?
Essentially, GM no longer needs emergency government aid to stay afloat. While the taxpayer still has a sizable investment wrapped up in the automaker, GM has returned to decent health for the time being."
Read more:
So all these stupid GM commercials by Whitacre (the CEO) are bogus. They just took borrowed money from one pocket and put it in another--a typical liberal accounting fraud. Don't fall for the lie. Buy a Ford--they didn't take a dime of government money and build a quality vehicle at a good price. Or buy a Hyundai like I did....made in America!
By Stephen Markley
"Following GM’s announcement today that it has repaid the $5.8 billion in U.S. and Canadian loans months ahead of schedule, you may be wondering how exactly the automaker managed this. The answer is a $16.4 billion escrow account set up by the Obama administration during GM’s bankruptcy. Those funds are in exchange for the GM shares that make up part of the government’s stake in the company.
The Treasury Department had to figure out how much of a cushion the company would need after emerging from bankruptcy. The escrow account was set up when the government bought a 61% stake in the company, but there was a string attached: GM had to get the Treasury Department’s OK before spending the money.
Thus far, it used the fund to pay out $2.7 billion for the Delphi bankruptcy resolution and previous loan repayments. Rules required any money left in the account by June 30 to be used for loan repayment. With the loans fully repaid, restrictions on the escrow fund will be lifted and GM will be allowed add the remaining $5.5 billion to its reserves.
So what’s the bottom line?
Essentially, GM no longer needs emergency government aid to stay afloat. While the taxpayer still has a sizable investment wrapped up in the automaker, GM has returned to decent health for the time being."
Read more:
So all these stupid GM commercials by Whitacre (the CEO) are bogus. They just took borrowed money from one pocket and put it in another--a typical liberal accounting fraud. Don't fall for the lie. Buy a Ford--they didn't take a dime of government money and build a quality vehicle at a good price. Or buy a Hyundai like I did....made in America!
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Maybe a few of the morons who voted for no-bama are starting to realize that elections have consequences
Millions face tax increases under Dems budget plan
"WASHINGTON – President Barack Obama's Democratic allies in the Senate promise to cut the deficit by almost two-thirds over the next five years, but their budget plan could threaten about 30 million people with tax increases averaging $3,700 in 2012 and after because of the alternative minimum tax."
and this: Obama suggests value-added tax may be an option
"WASHINGTON – President Barack Obama suggested Wednesday that a new value-added tax on Americans is still on the table, seeming to show more openness to the idea than his aides have expressed in recent days."
But morons will be morons, and of course they think everyone else should pay more and more and more--but perhaps now that it's looking like even they (the morons who voted for demon-crats--including the idiots who voted for Bill Foster) will be paying more and getting less (more lazy slugs getting things for free) they might wake up and realize how they screwed up. November is coming. Those people who voted for the criminals stealing our government from us have a chance to redeem themselves and kick the demon-crats from office.
Kick out: Foster, Quinn, Giannoulous (or however you spell that crook's name) and every other demon-crat stealing our government every time they open their mouths. FIRE THEM.
Get this trial going quickly
Yesterday afternoon Illinois's ("alleged" criminal) ex-governor Rod Blago came out of his lawyer's office and announced that prosecutors are liars and cowards. (Great way to sweet talk the people who are aiming to put you in jail you dumbo.) Geez, I watched his statement (it was painful) and came away with this thought: WHO THE HELL VOTED FOR THIS BOZO????? This guy is a sadistic evil thug (even though he's kind of a mini-me) who is so incredibly self-absorbed. It's really icky to watch him. Get the trial started. This guy needs to go to jail.
It's REALLY disturbing, but if you had any thoughts that this guy would somehow get elected to ANYTHING again, this video shows you why he should go to jail.
By the way, if the prosecutors have (and we all suspect they do) hundreds or thousands of hours of taped phone conversations, why would they play it all in court? What juror wouldn't fall asleep while listening to that crapola? I'd convict him just for putting me through that!
It's REALLY disturbing, but if you had any thoughts that this guy would somehow get elected to ANYTHING again, this video shows you why he should go to jail.
By the way, if the prosecutors have (and we all suspect they do) hundreds or thousands of hours of taped phone conversations, why would they play it all in court? What juror wouldn't fall asleep while listening to that crapola? I'd convict him just for putting me through that!
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Illinois unemployment edges up to 11.5%
Oh, ya, we're really thriving here in Illinois. Yep, that hope and change crap is really working well here in the Land of Lincoln. Read the story in today's Chicago Tribune: "The Illinois unemployment rate edged up to 11.5 percent in March, the highest level since July 1983, the Illinois Department of Employment Security reported today. The seasonally adjusted rate was one-tenth of a percentage point higher than in February, and continued to outstrip the national rate, which was 9.7 percent in March." CLICK HERE for the link to the story.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Sunday, April 11, 2010
You gotta watch this
I never knew how smart Jon Voight was. I think I'm going to have to watch some of his movies now.
Just a few points I'd like to rant about
Just a few random points this wonderful Sunday night....
- Saturday Night used to be funny. They used to have gifted writing and true comedians who didn't use the show to promote some political party or some leftist philosophy. RIP SNL because you've allowed yourself to be hijacked by crap. Gilda Radner (loved Rosanne Rosanna Danna--"it's always something") and Jim Belushi are probably spinning in their graves and ashamed of how this show has declined. Just saw a clip of Tina Fey (get a life Tina) again doing the Sarah Palin thing. Geez, talk about crap. I guess she has exhausted all her brain power on that stuff. No, I don't watch the show anymore because it's crap. I think their ratings reflect their decline into crap-town. I also won't go see any movie she's in or tune into any tv show she does. I think the "Tina Fey is a genius" thing is also crap. Tina, move on and come up with something that's remotely funny.
- What a beautiful weekend. God blessed us with good weather and we sure enjoyed it. Josef's Deli has fired up the Saturday barbeque again (much to our delight) and we LOVE their burgers. Also brought home some wonderful Italian sausage we had for lunch today. UMMMMMMMMM good.
- Good weather means long walks with the dogs. Enough said--always good.
- We enjoyed watching Phil Mickelson win the green jacket at the Masters' Tournament today. Good job Phil. He played a charmed tournament. Wow, love that lefty!
- Hurray for the return of THE TUDORS tonight on Showtime. Even though you know how it's going to end it's a fab experience watching this wonderfully staged production and enjoying scenic Ireland where it's filmed. Hopefully we'll get back there sometime again and see more of the country side.
- Watched a Patricia Cornwell made for tv thing last night called "Risk." Geez, couldn't have had any worse acting. Bad bad bad. Don't waste your time. She had a cameo fairly soon into the thing but that was the best part. What does that tell you? Don't bother with it.
- Looking forward to Cubs baseball which HAS to get better. Come on guys, it's the beginning of a new season and hope springs eternal. Go Cubs Go!
- Jim Edgar---please go away. Don't you understand that you are past history and clueless as to what the ENTIRE state needs. Maybe in your little Charleston corner of the world you're still a big deal, but you're not anywhere else. Evidence of this is the fact that your hand picked guy, I USED TO BE JIM EDGAR'S CHIEF OF STAFF (aka Kirk Dillard) LOST and is not the candidate for governor. Nobody cares about you anymore. Go away. Take a clue from Jim Thompson who has gracefully shown the role an ex-governor should have. Jim Edgar--you're starting to be more like Blago--an attention hog. Please fade away into retirement, unless you want Republicans to lose--and if you do then really, GO AWAY.
- Cong. Bill Foster has been going around his district telling us all how much his wisdom and judgment is SO MUCH better than anything us lowly people might have. He's also had his lackeys writing letters to local newspapers telling everyone how smart and courageous Bill was in voting for the health care sham legislation. Geez, little did we know that Foster is so much superior to us and we should just sit back and let him and Pelosi and Durbin lead us (over the cliff) and just sit back and take it. I DON'T THINK SO. Foster, get prepared for your coming loss. You do not speak for us--you are not smarter than us--and you did not vote your district and have never voted your district. You will soon be out of a job, so get ready.

Friday, April 9, 2010
It's a good day for Michigan, and that makes it a good day for America
Stupak is "retiring." He should just admit that he's a hypocrite and a liar. Thank goodness he's not going to be in Congress anymore.
Also, Linda Douglass--the political hack No-bama employed to encourage snitching on your neighbors, is leaving the White House.
Let's see if we can keep encouraging all the leftists to "retire."
Also, Linda Douglass--the political hack No-bama employed to encourage snitching on your neighbors, is leaving the White House.
Let's see if we can keep encouraging all the leftists to "retire."
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Initial jobless claims increase
Hey no-bama, I thought the economy was doing so much better and your phony stimulus plan was turning everything around and there were HUGE numbers of people getting new jobs because of it? WHAT--all a lie? I'm shocked that a demon-crat would lie to us! Hey readers: Aren't you shocked at how deceptive demon-crats are? (ya, sure)
Check out the news here: Jobless Claims Rise 18,000 in Latest Week
Check out the news here: Jobless Claims Rise 18,000 in Latest Week
About 47 percent will pay no federal income taxes at all for 2009
My husband and I pay federal taxes----PLENTY of taxes----but too many people don't. If you want to be part of this country, if you want our economy to thrive (because it isn't now) you need to pay taxes. NO, not punitive, unnecessary, or ridiculous taxes--but you need to pay your fair share. Unfortunately too many don't. Ridiculous.
Read the article here:
Read the article here:
Nearly half of US households escape fed income tax
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Who's the radical?
Found this on ILLINOIS REVIEW--I'm going to post it but here's the link:
If a liberal doesn't like guns, he wants all guns outlawed.
If a conservative is a vegetarian, he doesn't eat meat.
If a liberal is a vegetarian, he wants all meat products banned for everyone.
If a conservative is homosexual, he quietly leads his life.
If a liberal is homosexual, he demands legislated respect.
If a conservative is down-and-out, he thinks about how to better his situation.
A liberal wonders who is going to take care of him.
If a conservative doesn't like a talk show host, he switches channels.
Liberals demand that those they don't like be shut down.
If a conservative is a non-believer, he doesn't go to church.
A liberal non-believer wants any mention of God and religion silenced.
If a conservative decides he needs health care, he goes about shopping for it, or may choose a job that provides it.
A liberal demands that the rest of us pay for his.
If a conservative reads this, he'll forward it so his friends can have a good laugh.
A liberal will delete it because he's "offended".
Tell me again "who's the radical?
If a conservative doesn't like guns, he doesn't buy one.If a liberal doesn't like guns, he wants all guns outlawed.
If a conservative is a vegetarian, he doesn't eat meat.
If a liberal is a vegetarian, he wants all meat products banned for everyone.
If a conservative is homosexual, he quietly leads his life.
If a liberal is homosexual, he demands legislated respect.
If a conservative is down-and-out, he thinks about how to better his situation.
A liberal wonders who is going to take care of him.
If a conservative doesn't like a talk show host, he switches channels.
Liberals demand that those they don't like be shut down.
If a conservative is a non-believer, he doesn't go to church.
A liberal non-believer wants any mention of God and religion silenced.
If a conservative decides he needs health care, he goes about shopping for it, or may choose a job that provides it.
A liberal demands that the rest of us pay for his.
If a conservative reads this, he'll forward it so his friends can have a good laugh.
A liberal will delete it because he's "offended".
This guy is no different than any other demon-crat in Congress.
They just pissed on the Constitution with this illegal takeover of health care and they have no respect for the will of the people.
Friday, April 2, 2010
And Gian....wants to be elected so he can be more like his demon-crat cronies
And you wonder why a bank fails? Well, read this story in the Tribune about the demon-crats buddy (and US Senate nominee) Alexi Gianni....
$20 million in loans to felons
Broadway Bank lending, when Alexi Giannoulias was senior loan officer, detailed
"The family bank of Democratic Senate candidate Alexi Giannoulias loaned a pair of Chicago crime figures about $20 million during a 14-month period when Giannoulias was a senior loan officer, according to a Tribune examination that provides new details about the bank's relationship with the convicted felons."
The US Senate already acts like a bunch of criminals (just watch Dick Turbin & his demon-crat buddies) so why shouldn't the demon-crats embrace Alexi as someone just like them?
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