Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Get this trial going quickly

Yesterday afternoon Illinois's ("alleged" criminal) ex-governor Rod Blago came out of his lawyer's office and announced that prosecutors are liars and cowards. (Great way to sweet talk the people who are aiming to put you in jail you dumbo.) Geez, I watched his statement (it was painful) and came away with this thought: WHO THE HELL VOTED FOR THIS BOZO????? This guy is a sadistic evil thug (even though he's kind of a mini-me) who is so incredibly self-absorbed. It's really icky to watch him. Get the trial started. This guy needs to go to jail.

It's REALLY disturbing, but if you had any thoughts that this guy would somehow get elected to ANYTHING again, this video shows you why he should go to jail.

By the way, if the prosecutors have (and we all suspect they do) hundreds or thousands of hours of taped phone conversations, why would they play it all in court? What juror wouldn't fall asleep while listening to that crapola? I'd convict him just for putting me through that!