Monday, June 14, 2010

It's funny when they start eating their own

Read this from today's Illinois Review (CLICK HERE)

Great quote from Mark Rhoads: "There is a growing realization that a former part-time University of Chicago law lecturer who never ran a business and a former ineffective state senator and lazy US Senator is in way over his head when he tries to take on the highest administrative public job in the country."

Unfortunately the dope people elected as president of our wonderful country is going to muck up things SO BADLY for 4 years. The good is that people might finally see "the emperor has no clothes" -- in other words realize how horrible liberals/progressives are for our country (and the world) and that voting for someone based on feelings and some nebulous concept of hope and change is STUPID. Maybe people might take voting more seriously. The sad thing is that the socialist no-bama is going to screw us for 4 years (and beyond if we can't repeal no-bama care).