Monday, April 18, 2011

Liberal women ARE hypocrites

The Hypocrisy of the Feminist Left

"We all know most extreme leftists are undoubtedly hypocritical.  There are those who claim Rep. Paul Ryan’s (R-WI) budget plan will kill, starve and abandon disabled children and the elderly but they support Obamacare while denying the inevitable rationing that will occur under socialized health care when the money runs out.  There are those who praise the President for intervening in Libya for “humanitarian purposes” but criticize the war in Iraq.  A country with a sadistic dictator who killed more Muslims than anyone in history."

WAY BACK WHEN (I was in my early 20's) I was a member of NOW, but as soon as abortion became their #1 issue I told them to take a hike. If NOW is an organization that was designed to promote women's rights, protect and defend women, WHY do they praise and push support for abortion that (probably if statistics are correct) kills 50% of the babies that are aborted in this country? Why don't they protect and defend CONSERVATIVE women who are attacked (and viciously) by creeps in the press and on the internet? HYPOCRITES. They should be ashamed!