Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Illegal and we're paying her way

Went to Aldi's this afternoon. I'm waiting in line behind a Mexican woman and her son (only speaking Spanish). She pulls out her LINK card to pay and the cashier asks if she wants cash back. At first she says no (probably not realizing she could do that) and then changes her mind and asks for $100 back. Okay--that pissed me off. She finishes, gets her money back and moves over to bag her groceries. Then it's my turn. I told the cashier, "I didn't know you could get cash back on food stamps." He says yes, if they have that option. He asks if I want cash back (from my debit card) and I said no, I just paid for that lady's groceries and cash back. He shook his head and agreed.
I know some people need help--that's fine, but she's probably working for cash (told the cashier that and he agreed) and so her income level (official income) is low. By the way, she drove off in a pretty nice Jeep SUV. This is why the country is bankrupt. And damn it, speak 'effin English, or become a citizen or get the hell out of my country.