Sunday, January 27, 2008

"The Billary Road to Republican Victory"

Frank Rich (noted liberal New York Times columnist) has a column dated 1/27/08 with the title above. Read it--it's interesting.

Good quote from the article: "For the Republicans, that means not just a double dose of the one steroid, Clinton hatred, that might yet restore their party’s unity but also two fat targets."

That just might be true. Can you imagine how many people would vote for ANYBODY BUT HILLARY as an act of utter defiance of dislike of the woman. No matter how much she tries she's just not perceived as likable.

This last paragraph in the column says it all: "Any Democrat who seriously thinks that Bill will fade away if Hillary wins the nomination — let alone that the Clintons will escape being fully vetted — is a Democrat who, as the man said, believes in fairy tales."

Ok you Democrats--what are you smoking if you think the voters of this country will somehow magically warm up to her??????