Friday, January 25, 2008

Could there be a slip up?

Remember Al Capone? The feds couldn't get him on any regular criminal charges so they nailed him on income tax evasion and off he went to federal prison. Well, perhaps Drew Peterson might suffer the same fate. Read this story in today's SunTimes about how he needed his estranged wife's signature to sign off on a deal to buy a house for him and his girlfriend Stacy, who went on to become his 4th wife.

What wife would sign papers so your "estranged" husband could buy a house for his 18 year old girlfriend??????

The name Savio sounds Italian, and as an Italian woman myself I can tell you there's NO WAY. Us Italian women just don't do that--we get mad, and get even. Maybe Kathleen is getting even from the grave. God rest her soul and many prayers for her family who have endured this awful experience with grace.