Friday, April 25, 2008

It's not the guns....

It's about a lack of morality that has permeated our country.

It's been said before: Guns don't kill people. PEOPLE kill people.

As much as I think Daley has done good things for the City of Chicago (probably with a great deal of corruption) I just don't think he really wants to be honest about what is causing the deaths in the streets of the city. Most of the murders are in the black communities. It's mostly black people killing black people---and it seems like there is a gang war going on in the city right now.

So Daley has called for a summit in Chicago to discuss the problem, but of course he'll blame guns so he doesn't alienate much of his constituency.

Mayor Daley--be honest with the people of the city. It's not some corrupting OUTSIDE influence coming in to destroy your citizens--they're killing themselves. They use violence to solve their problems which creates more problems. Stop skirting the issue and tell them the truth. The mothers of the kids who are killed need to know you will do something--not just blame an inanimate object AGAIN.
  • Tell them to keep their kids at home at night.
  • Tell them to hold the men who get them pregnant responsible.
  • Tell men to stop making more babies without being married.
  • Tell Father Pfleger to actually teach his parishioners what the Catholic Church says--get married, be honorable, don't sin.
  • Stop blaming everyone else and support the police and the prosecutors.
  • Tell the truth about drugs in the city.
So Daley, have another summit.
It's not going to do any good if you just don't stop this anti-gun rant and tell the truth about how morality has vanished from the offenders.