Friday, April 25, 2008

Not the White House but the Big House May Await Blago

I love this article. READ IT. Here's one of the best lines:

"To be sure, Blagojevich hasn’t engaged in acts rising to the level of moral depravity—but the candidate who promised to “rock Springfield” and blaze a “new way,” has, as governor, proven himself just another superficial, self-serving hypocrite, concerned only with his self-preservation and advancement. Luckily for America, his presidential hopes have collapsed. Instead of the White House, Blago may end up in the Big House, joining such predecessors as Otto Kerner, Dan Walker and George Ryan."

PLEASE--U.S. ATTORNEY: Do your job and indict Blago who may well have done more damage to the State of Illinois than ANY other governor in our history.