Monday, November 3, 2008

NO POLITICS -- not watching it

Ok, so we know it's the day before the election. Frankly I'm sick of this election season.
  1. I'm sick of the media who have have enabled the lying thieving Demon-crats to gain whatever advantage they have. Obviously I'm not the only one--read this article by Mary Laney in the Chicago Daily Observer : Enough is Enough in the Campaign . Great quote: "I cannot remember a presidential election with more dishonesty."
  2. I'm sick of supposedly "professional" news people getting tingles up or down their legs. Yuk.
  3. I'm sick of Foster talking about cutting taxes while he votes to RAISE taxes. LIAR
  4. I'm sick of the word change. SO MANY PEOPLE SHOW how stupid they are when they repeat the change mantra without putting any thought into what change they're going for--and this (in my opinion) is very illustrative of the failure of the American public school system--THOSE WHO DO NOT READ/STUDY/KNOW HISTORY ARE DOOMED TO REPEAT IT. They don't understand the "been there--done that" thing. (By the way, just a reminder--BUSH IS NOT RUNNING. If you're a voter and don't understand that YOU ARE STUPID--not ignorant--you are STUPID.)
  5. This election is all about feeling good--not about using any logic. I heard something the other day--people who vote for No-bama are the kind who like the cool parent, the one who drinks with you, takes you to the strip club, lets you stay out late and smoke pot. You'll learn to be a slacker who expects everything to just happen--that you don't have to worry about rules or working hard to succeed--kind of like our public school system that takes away the grading system so competition doesn't hurt any kid's feelings. NEWS FLASH---LIFE ISN'T LIKE THAT.
Ok--so here's what I'm happy about, and I thank God for all the wonderful things and people in my life.
  1. The Illini victory over Iowa this last Saturday--first time in a VERY LONG TIME. Go ILLINI !!!
  2. The wonderful weather we've been having. It means one less rotten day of weather.
  3. Home improvement shows on television--TLC and HGTV and DIY are the way to go now--you can't get too angry at shows about drywall and tile. It's what I'm watching instead of political stuff.
  4. The PBS show on the history of Memorial Stadium. Wonderful show that really was a history of football and the midwest. LOVED IT.
  5. Tailgating...enough said.
  6. Brett Favre and Kurt Warner--they show you don't have to be a spring chicken who "cats around" to be a great quarterback and lead your team to victory. Both are devoted husbands and "elder" in years...but lots younger than me.
Yep, there's lots more to be grateful for, but too much to list. Later.....