Thursday, January 22, 2009

Look at the map

So it's mostly a "red" America (people who voted Republican) and we still couldn't elect a Republican president in 2008. Sickening....

So what's the first things No-bama did?
1. Sign an order to close Guantanamo (Where we gonna put all those killing creeps? Hey No-bama, how about Joe Biden's home town? He surely won't be there much.)
2. Tell the CIA to stop using "aggressive interrogation" methods (no more loud music--sorry guys)

Ya, great day for America. Now, don't you feel so much safer because America has turned into a touchy-feely nation. And when all those bad guys realize what a bunch of saps now occupy the White House they'll be very happy to do their dirty work on us again. Geez, what a crock.