So I admit that my blog is probably not among the most highly read or always intellectually stimulating. Hey, at least my mom likes the blog (thanks mom for the call today). I'm ever hopeful that other people like it also, but maybe I'll start promoting this site to draw in more readers. But then again the more it's promoted the more it becomes a target for the lefties that just hate conservative Republican women. They think we're all nitwits who sit around and knit, darn, or raise 18 kids (Can you believe that woman is STILL having babies? My offspring says her uterus is probably crying!). Nope, many of us conservative Republican women are just like me--professional women who have grave concerns about the path our country is on, concerns about the enormous debt we're incurring, and concerns about what this country will be like for our children and grandchildren.
So maybe I'm saying a lot to very few people, but maybe it's the RIGHT people. Just keep reading--I have LOTS more to say. Election season is upon us--believe me, this one will be really something.