Thursday, September 10, 2009

Read this all the way to the end

Reprinted from this afternoon's Washington Examiner:
EXAMINER HOT ZONE: Does Obama think Americans are so gullible?
Here's some of the highlights:
--"President Obama’s address to Congress and the nation Wednesday evening was yet another illustration of his seemingly endless ability to soar to genuinely impressive rhetorical heights without ever landing back on truthful ground."
--"So it was throughout this 47- minute nationally televised monument to presidential flimflam. Sometimes the prevarications were so obvious that even the president’s most ardent supporters – like the news staff of The New York Times - had to concede that he was playing fast and loose with the facts."
--"In short, did the president sleep through August?"

I've said it before and I'll keep repeating it--No-bama is a LIAR. It's becoming so glaringly obvious that it's pathetic. I hope those dopes who voted for him are listening.

CLICK THIS for the link to the editorial

CLICK THIS for another stellar piece from the Washington Examiner today.
"Obamacare won't cover illegal immigrants? Yes it will, says Congressional Research Service"