Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Yep, he's a liar

Obama heckled by GOP during speech: 'You lie!'

Rep. Joe Wilson from South Carolina said it, and he's right. And then Senator McCain (of course) said nasty things about a Republican. That's why McCain is a dolt.

So did you listen to the No-bama infomercial? I didn't waste an hour of my time. Instead I chased my dogs around the back yard and enjoyed the glorious weather with my husband. That was a much better use of my time rather than listening to No-bama lie to the US Congress, the American people, and the world. Geez, I just saw a few clips and had to laugh--this guy is SO OBVIOUSLY a liar that it's laughable--and people throughout the world must be laughing that the voters of this country put this idiot into the presidency. How horribly sad for all of us that this guy sits in the White House.

So please folks, use come common sense--revenue neutral---PULEEZE. How stupid are you No-bama. Like I said in an earlier post--you'd think a Harvard Law grad would be smarter. I guess not.

And by the way, kudos to Rep. Wilson. He just said what we were all thinking.