Thursday, February 18, 2010

Where are those jobs?

In my local town there are signs that spring might be on the way. The local Home Depot and Lowe's are starting to get the garden section ready, snow blowers are going on clearance (yep, we went and bought one and really enjoyed using it during our last snow storm), and grills are getting featured. Yes, spring might be coming, but that doesn't mean the economy around here is getting any better.

Here are some examples of the economic malaise we're under here:
*The Manor Restaurant in South Elgin has closed. I loved that place. It's hard to find a good breakfast/lunch restaurant. I'll miss it.
*Viking Office Supply in Geneva is closing. That place has been in business FOREVER and it's finally given in to "big box" office supply stores. That's sad, but probably a sign of the times.
*The local mini-malls still have empty stores--the old Circuit City & Comp USA are empty and will probably remain that way.
*Foreclosures are still plentiful and for sale signs are still on the same houses that have been for sale for a really really long time.

The sun might be shining, but it sure doesn't look like the economy is doing much better. The state is broke and a study just released by the Pew Center (GET IT HERE) shows that Illinois is in serious difficulty when it comes to pension funding (thanks to our fine Demon-crats in this state). Bills aren't getting paid, schools aren't being paid, universities aren't being paid (as evidenced by the letter I got yesterday from University of Illinois Interim President Ikenberry) and they are crying out for help.

What can be done? Well if you're a Demon-crat (aka idiot) you suggest more spending (more money we don't have) and another round of stimulus (do you feel stimulated?) programs. Well, today the unemployment figures were bad (Jobless Claims Rise 31,000 to 473,000) and it sure doesn't seem like anything the demon-crats come up with is working. Debt does not encourage growth--especially HUGE UNBELIEVABLE INSANE debt. That's what we have now. That's depressing.