Monday, January 28, 2008

Hillary's biggest ass-et?

Well it's about time someone made this point: "The interventions of former president Clinton are turning Democrats off his wife and raising constitutional questions." But wouldn't you know it was a British writer--no American press (who disgustingly fawn all over the Clinton's) would dare to discuss this issue.

So read this story:

"Hillary's biggest asset? Now Bill is looking like a liability"

Hmmm....anyone who lived through the Clinton presidency absolutely understands this guy wouldn't stay in the background--he wants to be at the "grownups table" again. He'll think he's president. YUCK.

On another note, last night I was flipping channels and saw a Fox News story about the guy who does polling for them. He had a panel of folks in Miami together and he asked them questions about the Hillary/Obama campaign. Almost all of them (must have been a group of insane people) said they'd like to see Bill Clinton have another term in the White House. OH MY GOD--I screamed, yelled, ranted at the TV screen. WHAT A BUNCH OF MORONS. How stupid can people be? (Well, they proved their worth....) By the way, they also indicated Bill wasn't helping his wife by making the campaign a "race" issue. They love him but want him to shut up on this ONE issue. Morons.....